(set _LogHead (cat "Installation transcript of wfmhcybergfx_r3d.library..."))
(set #no-assign
(cat "It looks like you do not have R3D3: assigned. "
"It is standard assignment made during installation of Real3D, "
"and its nonexistence may suggest that you do not have Real3D present "
"on your hard-disk. If this is the case, please select \"Abort Install\" button. "
"Otherwise press \"Proceed\" button."
(set #no-assign-novice
(cat "\nYour user level settings has been changed from NOVICE "
"to AVERAGE, to let you make selections that are necessary if you proceed.\n\n"
(set #where-lib (cat "Where do you wish to install the render library?\n(The default is \"R3D3:\")"))
(set #prompt-lib (cat "Copying the render library"))
(set #help-lib
(cat "The render library should be installed in the directory "
"where it can be easily accessed by Real3D. Standard list "
"of such places includes:\nR3D3: - the default assign created by Real3D "
"during installation,\nLIBS: - where most libraries are stored.\n\n"
(set #where-key (cat "Where do you wish to install the keyfile?\n(The default is the same you've picked for the library)\nRemember that the keyfile has your name and address coded in, so DO NOT SPREAD IT!!!"))
(set #prompt-key (cat "Copying the keyfile"))
(set #help-key
(cat "The keyfile should be installed in the directory "
"where it can be easily accessed by render library. Standard list "
"of such places includes:\nR3D3: - the default assign created by Real3D "
"during installation,\nLIBS: - where most libraries are stored.\n"
"It can also be placed in the directory pointed to by "
"KEYPATH environmental variable. This way you are able to store "
"it on safe partition, accessible only by you.\n\n"
(set #where-docs (cat "Where do you wish to install the documentation in AmigaGuide format?\n(The default is \"R3D3:Help/\")"))
(set #prompt-docs (cat "Copying the documentation"))
(set #help-docs
(cat "Please select directory to copy documentation to. "
"Suggested place is R3D3:Help/\n\n"
(set #where-AFD (cat "Where do you wish to install AFD copyright note?\n(The default is \"R3D3:Help/\")"))
(set #prompt-AFD (cat "Copying the AFD-COPYRIGHT"))
(set #help-AFD
(cat "Please select directory to copy AFD-COPYRIGHT to. "
"This is Standard Copyright Note for Free Distributable Amiga Software. "
"Suggested place is R3D3:Help/\n\n"
(set #where-Order (cat "Where do you wish to install the orderform?\n(The default is \"R3D3:Help/\")"))
(set #prompt-Order (cat "Copying the orderform"))
(set #help-Order
(cat "Please select directory to copy orderform to. "
"Print it and sent to me (together with cash :) ) to register. "
"Suggested place is R3D3:Help/\n\n"
(set #where-img (cat "Where do you wish to install the sample image?\n(The default is \"R3D3:Images/\")"))
(set #prompt-img (cat "Copying the sample image"))
(set #help-img
(cat "An image that shows important differences between unregistered "
"and registered version of library is provided. You can choose "
"to store it on your hard-disk for viewing at a later date. "
"Suggested place is R3D3:Images/\n\n"
(set #prefs-prompt (cat "Would you like to install sample prefs file?"))
(set #prefs-working (cat "Copying the sample prefs file"))
(set #where-prj (cat "Where do you wish to install the example project?\n(The default is \"R3D3:Project/\")"))
(set #prompt-prj (cat "Copying the example project file"))
(set #help-prj
(cat "An example project file that demonstrates some of the features "
"of wfmhcybergfx_r3d.library is provided. You can choose to install it "
"on your hard-drive (preferably in R3D3:Projects/ directory.\n\n)"